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Social Network Analysis is increasingly being used as a technique to understand the structure, cohesiveness, and growth of social networks. We use this technique to capture the role that your organization has played in terms of facilitating connections throughout your particular ecosystem.  


The information required to conduct this type of analysis is gathered through specific survey questions, which can be embedded within TEN's impact assessment questionnaires or conducted as a separate survey. The questions will solicit information from the respondents about their interactions with other relevant players in their network or ecosystem, and the role that your organization has played in facilitating and fostering those connections. 


The analysis will include local measures such as the degree to which key nodes are connected within the network, as well as global measures such as the centralization and reach of the network. The results of this analysis will provide an indication of the depth of your organization's role, as well as the overarching connectivity within the network.  


An example result from an actual social network analysis conducted by TEN is shown in the diagram below. The different coloured nodes represent small and large companies, service providers, academic and research institutions, manufacturers, and at the centre of the diagram, an innovation intermediary. The linkages indicate the relationships between the nodes. 


Use TEN's social network analysis diagrams, together with accompanying background data, to illustrate the network-building role of ecosystem-building organizations like yours.

Example Social Network Analysis

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